COMPOST2024 Hotel Information

COMPOST2024 does not use a hotel room booking agency. If you are contacted  by someone offering to book your guest room, be advised not to use them.  Please contact COMPOST2024.

NOTE: We are consistently adding more rooms to our block at the Daytona Grande to accommodate all of our COMPOST24 attendees! If you see a notification on the booking site stating “rooms are sold out”, please check back in 24 hours, as available inventory may take some time to update.



422 N Atlantic Ave, Daytona Beach, FL 32118
  • Daytona Grande Oceanfront Resort – 422 N. Atlantic Avenue, Daytona Beach FL (.6 miles from the Ocean Center Convention Center) There are buses that run every 30 min as well from the boardwalk entrance for those that wish to take transportation instead of walk.
  • $199/night + 12.5% tax and fees
  • These rooms will go quick so please book at your earliest convenience!


100 N Atlantic Ave, Daytona Beach, FL 32118

HOUSING UPDATE: Hilton Daytona is SOLD OUT for WED 2/7/24 and THURS 2/8/24. Rooms are still available before and after these dates.

  • $180/night + tax (12.5% per room, per night)
  • Cut off to reserve: Friday January 12, 2024
  • Complimentary WiFi
  • Parking: $30, subject to change
  • *COMPOST2024 attendees will receive 20% off parking and a waived resort fee*