Alex Truelove

Alex Truelove

Alex Truelove

Speaker | Biodegradable Products Institute (BPI)

Edgewater, CO |

Alex Truelove is Legislation and Advocacy Manager at BPI, a non-profit advocating for the value of certified compostable packaging in diverting organic waste to composting. Alex joined BPI in early 2022 to lead the organization’s policy and advocacy work, having previously directed the U.S. Public Interest Research Group’s (PIRG) Zero Waste Program. Alex remains passionate about waste reduction, public policy, and working with others to incrementally solve messy environmental problems.

Session Code: 6C

Track: Compostable Products

Session Name: Can We Move The Needle on Compost Manufacturer Acceptance of Compostable Packaging? Field Testing Data and What’s Next

Session Time: Thursday, February 8, 2:00 PM – 3:30 PM

Presentation Title: The Missing Link Between Data and The Consumer

Presentation Description: Certification and lab testing are necessary ingredients for ensuring downstream packaging disintegration success; but without labeling laws to help consumers by eliminating greenwashing and setting labeling standards, the wrong material will continue to enter the stream. Learn from BPI how the Compostable Labeling Principles and template legislation was formed through a compost manufacturer-compostable packaging supply chain consensus and what they are.